The research function remains a prime source of knowledge and innovation at national, regional and international levels. People with innovative spirit are the main factor in using the technology for innovation and development. They can ease both the technical development, and the social one, and they can strengthen the links between research-development, industry and decision factors.
It is an intelligent, sustainable and competitive economy.
One wishes the involvement of all the actors and regions in the innovation cycle.
Countries want to improve the access towards financing for research and innovation, to make sure that the innovative ideas can be turned into products and services that can determine growth, competitiveness and jobs.
Organizations and academia must work together through the Innovation Partnership;
The technology transfer is developed through knowledge transfer.
Knowledge generators that would create new technologies
Research results transferred to industry, market valued
Financing the innovation: Business Angels, Venture Capital
Transferable technologies towards the economic environment
Innovative SMEs with high added value
Promotion, formation of a mass innovation culture
Concept & Feasibility Assessment
Idea to concept,
Risk assessment, technological & commercial feasibility
Demonstration market replication R&D
Demonstration, prototyping, testing,
Market replication, scaling up, miniaturisation, research
Quality label for successful projects,
access to risk finance, indirect support