This unit puts great attention on technology implementation and evaluation by police forces to optimize technology decisions and fully realise the potential benefits of innovative technology for policing. This project aims to develop an effective response to the challenges currently faced police forces in choosing the right technology to tackle crime locally and wider It is intended that the project findings will contribute to the development of a framework or toolkit designed to support Police Force in their delivery of the “Pioneer Policing and Innovative Practices for Smart Security Services” vision. The project also intends to explore how law enforcement agencies are currently working together to deliver this agenda and to highlight areas of good practice as well as potential areas of improvement.
These above aims raise the following core project objectives:
To evaluate how and for what purposes are technologies used in Police Force across various ranks and organisational subunits
To propose ways in which these specific aspects or technologies may be improved
How do technologies influence police, at both the organizational and individual levels, in terms of operations, structure, culture, behaviour, satisfaction, and other outcomes?
How do these organisational and individual aspects of policing concurrently impact the uses and effectiveness of the technologies?
How do the uses of innovative technologies affect crime control efforts and police-community relationships?
What organizational practices and changes, in terms of policies, procedures, equipment, systems, culture, and/or management style, could help to optimise the use of these technologies and fully realise their potential for enhancing police effectiveness and legitimacy?
After the initial audit process has been completed and specific areas in need of review and/or development have been identified, the project team will work to develop a set of best practice standards/exemplar materials/links to the international paradigms with a view to ensuring all police departments across the UAE can benefit from the findings.